Welcome to Theta Wave
Sine wave
Math can make music. Electronic
sounds often go oscillating; find
themselves founded in sine’s language.
Trigonometry plays tricks inside
synthesizers. Radians, amplitude &
frequency resound through plastic
knobs and metal cases with holes
a musician could fall into forever until
reaching the bottom. Mathematicians
dwell there. A sine wave appears in curves
unlike a saw or square wave. Triangle
waves are born out of all these wires
and low-hanging sines, measured.
Science goes out dancing and has
decent algorithm. This is proof.
Sine wave Math can make music. Electronic sounds often go oscillating; find themselves founded in sine’s language. Trigonometry plays tricks inside synthesizers. Radians, amplitude & frequency resound through plastic knobs and metal cases with holes a musician could fall into forever until reaching the bottom. Mathematicians dwell there. A sine wave appears in curves unlike a saw or square wave. Triangle waves are born out of all these wires and low-hanging sines, measured. Science goes out dancing and has decent algorithm. This is proof. K Weber k weber has 4 books of self-published poems for free at her website: kweberandherwords.wordpress.com. her poems have been featured in memoir mixtapes, writer’s digest, mock turtle zine, words dance, black heart magazine and more! she has had photography featured in barren magazine and is a regular contributor to the song recommendations blog at memoir mixtapes. more info at her website!
k weber has 4 books of self-published poems for free at her website: kweberandherwords.wordpress.com. her poems have been featured in memoir mixtapes, writer’s digest, mock turtle zine, words dance, black heart magazine and more! she has had photography featured in barren magazine and is a regular contributor to the song recommendations blog at memoir mixtapes. more info at her website!