Welcome to Theta Wave
a semi-improvisational kinda-guided meditation/audio poetry podcast about how it feels to be alive!!! recorded april-july 2020 in canada and europe. credits: emilie kneifel & friends -CW body image in "how it feels to look at yourself in the mirror." -episode transcriptions: https://tinyurl.com/catchypoo emiliekneifel.com/catch/
Extracting Hope from Poison: On Quitting the Writer’s Life, originally published on the Invisible Publishing blog Essay and artwork by Ashley Obscura Audio by Emilie Kneifel
Bára presents Theta Wave, pieces by jeighk, irl human, k weber, and a live reading by vik e ~
Sine wave Math can make music. Electronic sounds often go oscillating; find themselves founded in sine’s language. Trigonometry plays tricks inside synthesizers. Radians, amplitude & frequency resound through plastic knobs and metal cases with holes a musician could fall into forever until reaching the bottom. Mathematicians dwell there. A sine wave appears in curves unlike a saw or square wave. Triangle waves are born out of all these wires and low-hanging sines, measured. Science goes out dancing and has decent algorithm. This is proof. K Weber k weber has 4 books of self-published poems for free at her website: kweberandherwords.wordpress.com. her poems have been featured in memoir mixtapes, writer’s digest, mock turtle zine, words dance, black heart magazine and more! she has had photography featured in barren magazine and is a regular contributor to the song recommendations blog at memoir mixtapes. more info at her website!
THIS ASSEMBLY is a poetry project by K Weber featuring the collaborative efforts of 165 people. K wrote 21 new poems using 160 donated words from 160 people. More bonus poems were written by other poets and more features were suggested. A team of reviews provided feedback on the original drafts. Art by Greg Lawhun.,PDF book version available at http://kweberandherwords.wordpress.com. Self-published December 2019.
EP 2019
"pity party" is an excerpt from a larger work-in-progress called s u m a c. The guitar in this piece was composed and performed by Nate Chard. **content warning**: suicidal ideation. About SUMAC: s u m a c is a queer fiction narrative told through poetry, prose and story telling. The narrative follows the intimacy and agony of s h e and s h e , giving witness to struggle and support for mental health in romantic relationships. s u m a c is both an audio project and text art project and perhaps more and perhaps less...continuously shifting and morphing, but always rooted in a commitment to a presentation that is both visual and audio in which each work will be distinct and whole on its own; one will not need the other for understanding. The release date and presentation of s u m a c has yet to be determined. To view the zine and text art of this piece, please visit https://thetawave.space/
sound poem made with found medical literature
Bára takes us on a journey through sound healing, sonic technology, pain, and the powers of a cat's prrrrrr live broadcast on @radiockut
Episode of Sonic Poetics, aired on N10.as radio 1.04.2019 featuring poets Alice B Tolkas, Audre Lorde, Gertrude Stein, Angela Davis, Claudia Rankine, Sina Queryas, Marianne Moore, Denice Forhman, Dominique Christina features tracks by Gaussian Curve, Larry Heard, Harrison BDP, Jon Cutler, E-man and Franjazzco