remembrance day

overlooking flames 
of poppies in
the square
awaiting snow

fur hoods scoot through
sub-zero gusts

through steamy windows of packed coffee houses
sipping on flat whites
dreams / imaginings of early nights
snuggled in someone’s arms

movement in tents in doorways
in the shadow of tram tracks
scattered / dismembered like litter

i clench my baking mug
in sorrow of sorts
the kind you feel when shit goes down
on the other side of the glass 

bullets of rain starting to fall
on the masses

BIO: Paul Robert Mullen is a poet, musician and sociable loner from Liverpool, U.K. He has three published poetry collections: curse this blue raincoat (2017), testimony (2018), and 35 (2018).  He also enjoys paperbacks with broken spines, and all things minimalist.
