

Ink-self lingers in yellow space. Shadow at the wheel, in the passenger seat.  Careen into nothing. 
Ink-self promises forward, promises distance, promises that the artifact of you is you.

The Green Television

Inside Miami pink and green, no furniture except a black and white TV.
A vampire bites, fucks a vamp in bad reception.
Nervous from non-descript pills, wish for water.
Behind glass, he bites and bites and bites.

Dying Dandy

Misplaced hand on face holds yellow bandana. 
Sickness in the sunless breath is not now but coming.
For lovers fitful in a floating world—dis-ease is not fatal.
Bleed into obsidian, true glass. 
Nothing but follow through in missing lines. 


Flesh found and fled.
Amid surfaces of forced breath, speak stone into life, speak ball into parody. 
Between voice and void, our blows glance never severing tentacle from orb, threat 
from toy. 

BIO: Nicholas Alexander Hayes is the author of NIV: 39 & 27 (BlazeVOX), Between (Atropos), and ThirdSexPot (Beard of Bees). He is the Review Editor at Your Impossible Voice. Most recently his creative writing has appeared in Scab, Peculiar Mormyrid, Former Cactus, and Animal: A Beast of A Literary Magazine. Twitter: @Broken_Zipper; Instagram: @nicholasalexanderhayes; Website:
