Welcome to Theta Wave's Lunar Newsletter! 

on this pink moon, we wanted to share some things that have found & filled us, including:

~ a full moon reading, prompts, poems, links, radio broadcasts, an online workshop :)

if you would like us to share something in our newsletter, do email us! we would love to share your links, timely thoughts, essays, prompts poems and more :~)


~ a theta wave is a high-amplitude but slow-cycling brain wave that is associated with intuition, dreaming, meditation and creativity — a wave we need now more than ever ~

we hope that in this newsletter we can offer a dose of theta waves to your brain and body. we hope to remind you of the importance of dreaming, creativity and intuition to our collective healing. we hope to remind each other that slowness is resistance and disruption. that dreaming is a radical act.


*GASP* new issue ! ! ! 

vol 3 is HERE >>>> thetawave.space 

with beautiful illustrations by emilie kneifel


~ full moon reading by malek ~

high tensions and nuance of infrastructural crumble brought to light after the first (of three) conjunction of jupiter and pluto in capricorn. the ruler (venus) of tonight’s full moon (moon in libra, sun in aries) moved into gemini over the weekend, and will remain there until august 8th. mars continues past saturn after their conjunction in aquarius on the 31st.

consider: we are deepening in relationship with those in our contact

consider: there is no longer space to doubt our interconnection

consider: your internal work as micro-laboratory for desired macro-shifts

embrace: exposed underbelly as opportunity to truth

embrace: direct confrontation with the lengths we will go to avoid ourselves

embrace: soft nestle into states of questioning

what do you silence to appease structures that have never been able to support the collective?

how can you know when to fight for your space, and when to step back?

who are you called to align with - support - listen to - learn from?

remember: attention serves as both power and protection.

trust in the timing of what’s surfacing.

trust that you have the exact experience required to grow into these realizations.

trust that your body continues its path of healing when resting, dissociating, zoning out.

we are building new social scripts.

allow relational contracts to reveal themselves to you.

there is nothing to prove but mutual respect.

do not impose the essential.

listen to what bubbles up in stormy restraint.

dwell in the freedom of limited witness.

remember: you do not need permission to try out new selves.


This weeks prompt is shared to us by Mx Marin, author of The Transfusion, a bi-weekly newsletter on transition, illness and learning. It is followed by a poem selected from a collaborative zine made with their partner Meagan, which will be available soon as a digital release.

Contemplative writing practice in 4 parts, with suggested timings

1. Meditation Period (15m)

2. Free Write (30m)

3. Read a text, chosen of given (15m)

4. Reading Response (30m)


The World is in Other Hands

Focus locally, respect

The world on a platter.

The body on display
Everywhere there are eyes

Golden skies
Hewn Limbless

Not a matter of who
when were or what
but how and why

Everyday we try

Time like a second skin
Grows, tender heart's lament

Inky blue then red I watch it spill
Tis not a war
In this world, like each
of my kin, who are all.


radical imaginings: a radio broadcast

things are scary now, and things have always been scary.

maintaining control over your attention is a radical act in a world that monetizes your gaze.

in a time of many closings, we can choose to encourage openings.

we can choose to ~ melt our way between the cracks of oppressive systems ~ plant our seeds beneath the concrete ~ reach our roots out to support and nourish each other ~ blossom together into a more vibrant landscape.

join me in a centring practice to chronicle this time of being home. let’s remember to breathe ~ dream ~ imagine ~ explore ~ dance ~ write ~ grow ~ & deeply listen to life as she emerges within/around us.

pilot episode this easter sunday april 12, at 1 pm

on http://n10.as/

ps. send us your sounds! what are you making, noticing, remembering, listening to these days? what would you like to share as we collectively process what's happening within and around us?

send to: spacesforhumans@gmail.com

*you can request your submission be anonymous

*include a brief description

length: 30s to 10 minutes long


E m b o d i e d ~ P o e t i c s

Malek of A Human Space & Bára of Theta Wave have been collaborating on a workshop called embodied~poetics for the last several weeks in montreal. with the need for social distance, we have moved the workshop to zoom! 

we'll employ practices of poetics ~ breath ~ expression ~ voice ~ group work ~ movement ~~~ techniques to connect to yourself in tangibly abstract ways.

the link for the room Thursday April 9. it will open at 7:15 - come early if you need to figure out the new set up!

set yourself up and get cozy with space to move, a nearby blanket, scissors, pen, paper, way to play music.

payment info: sliding scale, $0-15. etransfer to spacesforhumans@gmail.com :) if you're receiving paychecks and can support us, please do. otherwise, if you like these gatherings -- spread the word, give us some feedback, shout us out on social media, etc. 


Some hype links:

A growing resource of emotional and practical guidance for creative people

if you are looking for reading material that is also FREE or by donation, check out Ghost City Press's Summer Reading Series! Many great microchaps available for download :)


Thank you for reading our newsletter! We will be sharing newsletters biweekly as we are able along with moon cycles and archive our newsletters on the site.

Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter! if you wish to unsubscribe just let us know :)

Theta Wave 
